miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2015

Find out the beat rate of the heart of a...

1. Child at rest
Answer:  70 to 110 beats for minute.e
Source(s): http://www.ehowenespanol.com/frecuencia-cardiaca-normal-reposo-nino-pequeno-sobre_136487/

2. An adult at rest
Answer: 60 to 100 beats for minute.
Source(s): http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/291182.php

3. A bird at rest
Answer: 500 to 600 beats for minute.
Source(s): http://www.botanical-online.com/animales/colibries.htm

4. An elephant at rest
Answer: does not reach more than 30 beats.
Source(s): http://www.europasur.es/article/algeciras/190915/la/amplia/gama/los/latidos/corazon.html

5. A child doing an intense exercise
Answer: 130 beats for minute , it´s depends of  the age.
Source(s): http://www.livestrong.com/es/ritmo-cardiaco-nino-info_8742/

6. An adult doing an intense exercice
Answer: 140 to 160 beats for minute.
Source(s): http://www.frecuencia-cardiaca.com/frecuenciacardiacavalores.php

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